Building up with international Supplier

How to build the good relationship with the international Supplier so that he shares the updates even when currently I won’t be able give him a good repetitive business.

Keep in touch with your suppliers. Reflect on what’s working well and talk through areas for improvement.

Having the opportunity for both parties to provide feedback on what’s been helpful or difficult can be the spark to develop innovative ways to strengthen the relationship even further.

Don’t ring up and yell at your supplier if stuff isn’t going right. Instead, be calm and direct so things don’t fester and become the proverbial storm in a teacup.

Despite the very best preparation and planning, mistakes and miscommunication can happen. It’s important to tackle them with your supplier quickly and in a professional manner. Always allow your supplier the opportunity to be part of a solution.

In a good supplier relationship, it’s essential to speak up when something is wrong.